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NIAP: Labgram #11 - Use of 3-way NDAs
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Use of 3-way NDAs

As many of you know the 3-way NDA has raised problems with some vendors and labs alike. As a result of discussions with the lawyer we have decided to move to a 2-way NDA between the lab and CCEVS and do away with the current 3-way model. The new NDA is being written so it will not happen immediately. This note is serve as a heads up that we will not be pressing you to submit the 3-way NDA (for the time being). However, if you have a vendor that is particularly concerned about not having an NDA in place we will still accept the 3-way.

Additionally, all CCEVS employees are bound by law to protect proprietary information (marked as such) provided to CCEVS staff by the vendor and/or lab under individual signed NDAs.

Posted on 2002-08-26 by Janine Pedersen

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