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NIAP: Labgram #22 - New Web Info & other News
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New Web Info & other News

Some time next week you will see a few additions to the NIAP CCEVS Web site. In particular changes to the "In Evaluation" page. We've had several requests to list the date the product entered into evaluation. We think listing a start date may actually do some good to move along those vendors who just want to "sit" on the in eval list. This is a heads up so that you may inform your vendors if you think it is necessary. We will be using the evaluation kick off date as our "start" date. At that same time, we will add the link to your laboratory web site (on the CCTL contact page), so if you haven't given me the url please do so by early next week.

The ICCC4 in Sweden 7-9 September 2003 will be the next venue for presenting CC certificates. If you have an evaluation nearing completion please discuss whether the vendor would be interested in receiving their certificate in Sweden and let me know. I will be sending out the deadlines for submitting ETRs, Validation Reports, etc. in a separate message.

Posted on 2003-07-03 by Rebecca Galanakis

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