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NIAP: Labgram #35 - CCEVS Policy Letter #10 - Acceptance of Security Targets into NIAP CCEVS Evaluation - Additional Information
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CCEVS Policy Letter #10 - Acceptance of Security Targets into NIAP CCEVS Evaluation - Additional Information


This labgram provides information about the implementation of CCEVS Policy Letter #10.

CCEVS Policy Letter #10 lists the minimum requirements for ST acceptance into evaluation.

Upon receipt of an EAP, we will assign a senior validator to perform a Policy 10 ST review. The validator will be allowed 3-4 business days to perform the review, at which time the ST will be judged as acceptable to enter evaluation, or as deficient per Policy Letter #10. If there are deficiencies, these will be forwarded to the CCTL for correction and ST resubmission. The ST should be resubmitted to the, with a subject line indicating that it is a Policy Letter #10 ST resubmission.

This process will iterate until the ST is acceptable per Policy Letter #10. Once the ST is acceptable, a validator will be assigned to review the EAP and schedule the kick-off meeting as we have always done.

Please inform your vendors that this ST review means that we are requiring the full 30 days from the time of EAP receipt until the validator is assigned, and it may take longer depending on the calibre of the ST and the number of iterations until the ST is updated and accepted.

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Posted on 2005-10-04 by Janine Pedersen

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