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Archived TD0080:  Correction in TSS Assurance Activity for FMT_UNR_EXT.1.1

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FMT_UNR_EXT.1.1 states that "the MDM Agent shall provide a mechanism to prevent users from unenrolling the mobile device from management."

However the TSS states that "The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the mechanism used to prevent users for enrolling. This description shall indicate if any configuration allows users to unenroll."


The TSS is being revised to read:

"The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the mechanism used to prevent users from unenrolling. This description shall indicate if any configuration allows users to unenroll."


A couple of typographical errors were made in the TSS text. At the end of the first sentence, it should state "from unenrolling" rather than "for enrolling."

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