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Archived TD0094:  NIT Technical Decision for validating a published hash in NDcPP

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Protection Profiles
CPP_FW_V1.0, CPP_ND_V1.0

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Issue Description

The Network Interpretations Team (NIT) has issued a technical decision regarding the testing the absence of a published hash for a TOE update in the NDcPP v1.0 and FW cPP v1.0.


To align with the NIT interpretation #26, the wording of the application notes to FPT_TUD_EXT.1.2 and FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3 as well as the section on FPT_TUD_EXT.1 in the Supporting Document  are modified to enhance clarity as written below.  For further information, please see the NIT interpretation at:

Addition to the Application Note for FPT_TUD_EXT.1.2:

The TSS explains what actions are involved in the TOE support when using the ‘support automatic checking for updates’ or ‘support automatic updates’ selections.
When published hash values (see FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3) are used to protect the trusted update mechanism, the TOE must not automatically download the update file(s) together with the hash value (either integrated in the update file(s) or separately) and automatically install the update without any active authorization by the Security Administrator, even when the calculated hash value matches the published hash value. When using published hash values to protect the trusted update mechanism, the option 'support of automatic updates' must not be used (automated checking for updates is permitted, though). The TOE may automatically download the update file(s) themselves but not to the hash value.           

For the published hash approach, it is intended that a Security Administrator is always required to give active authorisation for installation of an update (as described in more detail under FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3) below. Due to this, the type of update mechanism is regarded as 'manually initiated update', even if the update file(s) may be downloaded automatically. A fully automated approach (without Security Administrator intervention) can only be used when ‘digital signature mechanism’ is selected in FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3 below.

Addition to the Application Note for FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3:

When published hash values are used to secure the trusted update mechanism, an active authorization of the update process by the Security Administrator is always required. The secure transmission of an authentic hash value from the developer to the Security Administrator is one of the key factors to protect the trusted update mechanism when using published hashes and the guidance documentation needs to describe how this transfer has to be performed. For the verification of the trusted hash value  by the Security Administrator different use cases are possible. The Security Administrator could obtain the published hash value as well as the update file(s) and perform the verification outside the TOE while the hashing of the update file(s) could be done by the TOE or by other means. Authentication as Security Administrator and initiation of the trusted update would in this case be regarded as 'active  authorization' of the trusted update. Alternatively, the Administrator could provide the TOE with the published hash value together with the update file(s) and the hashing and hash comparison is   performed by the TOE. In case of successful hash verification the TOE can perform the update without any additional step by the Security Administrator. Authentication as Security Administrator and sending the hash value to the TOE is regarded as 'active authorization' of the trusted update (in case of  successful hash verification), because the administrator is expected to load the hash value only to the TOE when intending to perform the update. As long as the transfer of the hash value to the TOE is performed by the Security Administrator, loading of the update file(s) can be performed by the Security Administrator or can be automatically downloaded by the TOE from a repository.

Replacement for the Application Note for FMT_MOF.1.1/AutoUpdate:

FMT_MOF.1/AutoUpdate is only applicable if the TOE supports automatic checking for updates and/or automatic updates and allows to enable and disable them. Enable and disable of automatic checking for updates and/or automatic updates is restricted to Security Administrators. The option “automatic update” may only be selected if digital signatures are used to validate the trusted update.

Changes to the SD

Addition to FPT_TUD_EXT.1/TSS:

If a published hash is used to protect the trusted update mechanism, then the evaluator shall verify that the trusted update mechanism does involve an active authorization step of the Security Administrator, and that download of the published hash value, hash comparison and update is not a fully automated process involving no active authorization by the Security Administrator. In particular, authentication as Security Administration according to FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate needs to be part of the update process when using published hashes

.Addition to FPT_TUD_EXT.1/Guidance documentation:

If a published hash is used to protect the trusted update mechanism, the evaluator shall verify that the guidance documentation describes how the Security Administrator can obtain authentic published hash values for the updates.

Replacement of description for FPT_TUD_EXT.1/Tests, Test 2:

Test 2 (if digital signatures are used): The evaluator first confirms that no updates are pending and then performs the version verification activity to determine the current version of the product, verifying that it is different from the version claimed in the update(s) to be used in this test. The evaluator obtains or produces illegitimate updates as defined below, and attempts to install them on the TOE. The evaluator verifies that the TOE rejects all of the illegitimate updates. The evaluator performs this test using all of the following forms of illegitimate updates:

1.  A modified version (e.g. using a hex editor) of a legitimately signed update.

2.  An image that has not been signed

3.  An image signed with an invalid signature (e.g. by using a different key as expected for creating the signature or by manual modification of a legitimate signature).

4.  If the TOE allows a gap between the installation of an update and a required reboot or activation to execute the updated code, the TOE must be able to display both the currently executing version and most recently installed version. The handling of version information of the most recently installed version might differ between different TOEs depending on the point in time when an attempted update is rejected. The evaluator shall verify that the TOE handles the most recently installed version information for that case as described in the guidance documentation. After the TOE has rejected the update the evaluator shall verify, that both, current version and most recently installed version, reflect the same version information as prior to the update attempt.

Test 2 (if published hash is verified on the TOE): If the published hash is provided to the TOE by the Security Administrator and the verification of the hash value over the update file(s) against the published hash is performed by the TOE, then the evaluator shall perform the following tests. The evaluator first confirms that no update is pending and then performs the version verification activity to determine the current version of the product, verifying that it is different from the version claimed in the update(s) to be used in this test.

1.  The evaluator obtains or produces an illegitimate update such that the hash of the update does not match the published hash. The evaluator provides the published hash value to the TOE and calculates the hash of the update either on the TOE itself (if that functionality is provided by the TOE), or else outside the TOE. The evaluator confirms that the hash values are different, and attempts to install the update on the TOE, verifying that this fails because of the difference in hash values (and that the failure is logged). Depending on the implementation of the TOE, the TOE might not allow the user to even attempt updating the TOE after the verification of the hash value fails. In that case the verification that the hash comparison fails is regarded as sufficient verification of the correct behaviour of the TOE.

2.  The evaluator uses a legitimate update and tries to perform verification of the hash value without storing the published hash value on the TOE. The evaluator confirms that this attempt fails. Depending on the implementation of the TOE it might not be possible to attempt the verification of the hash value without providing a hash value to the TOE, e.g. if the hash value needs to be handed over to the TOE as a parameter in a command line message and the syntax check of the command prevents the execution of the command without providing a hash value. In that case the mechanism that prevents the execution of this check shall be tested accordingly, e.g. that the syntax check rejects the command without providing a hash value, and the rejection of the attempt is regarded as sufficient verification of the correct behaviour of the TOE in failing to verify the hash. The evaluator then attempts to install the update on the TOE (in spite of the unsuccessful hash verification) and confirms that this fails. Depending on the implementation of the TOE, the TOE might not allow to even attempt updating the TOE after the verification of the hash value fails. In that case the verification that the hash comparison fails is regarded as sufficient verification of the correct behaviour of the TOE.

3.  If the TOE allows a gap between the installation of an update and a required reboot or activation to execute the updated code, the TOE must be able to display both the currently executing version and most recently installed version. The handling of version information of the most recently installed version might differ between different TOEs. Depending on the point in time when the attempted update is rejected, the most recently installed version might or might not be updated. The evaluator shall verify that the TOE handles the most recently installed version information for that case as described in the guidance documentation. After the TOE has rejected the update the evaluator shall verify, that both, current version and most recently installed version, reflect the same version information as prior to the update attempt.

Addition to the description for FPT_TUD_EXT.1/Tests:

If the verification of the hash value over the update file(s) against the published hash is not performed by the TOE, Test 2 shall be skipped.


See issue description.

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