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Archived TD0175:  Revision of FCS_CKM_EXT.4 requirement in APP SW FE EP v1.0

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FCS_CKM_EXT.4 currently does not support the use of a garbage collection function to clear volatile memory. Some TOEs rely on this function to clean up volatile memory.


For completeness, this requirement was replaced to be consistent with FCS_CKM.4.1(d) in the FDE AA and EE cPPs. The new requirement addresses garbage collection and other key destruction methods and variations. As such, replace FCS_CKM_EXT.4 in File Encryption Extended Package ver 1.0 with the following:


FCS_CKM_EXT.4     Extended: Cryptographic Key Destruction

FCS_CKM_EXT.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method [selection:

  •      For volatile memory, the destruction shall be executed by a [selection: single overwrite consisting of [selection: a pseudo-random pattern using the TSF’s RBG, zeroes, ones, a new value of a key, [assignment: any value that does not contain any CSP]], removal of power to the memory, destruction of reference to the key directly followed by a request for garbage collection];
  •      For non-volatile memory [that consists of the invocation of an interface provided by the underlying platform that [selection:

a)      logically addresses the storage location of the key and performs a [selection: single, [assignment: ST author defined multi-pass]] overwrite consisting of [selection: zeroes, ones, pseudo-random pattern, a new value of a key of the same size, [assignment: any value that does not contain any CSP]];

b)      instructs the underlying platform to destroy the abstraction that represents the key]



that meets the following: No Standard.

Application Note: The interface referenced in the requirement could take different forms, the most likely of which is an application programming interface to an OS kernel. There may be various levels of abstraction visible. For instance, in a given implementation, selection a, the application may have access to the file system details and may be able to logically address specific memory locations. In another implementation, selection b, the application may simply have a handle to a resource and can only ask the platform to delete the resource, as may be the case with a platforms secure key store. Selection b should only be used for the most restricted access. The level of detail to which the TOE has access will be reflected in the TSS section of the ST.


Several selections allow assignment of a ‘value that does not contain any CSP’. This means that the TOE uses some other specified data not drawn from a source that may contain key material or reveal information about key material, and not being any of the particular values listed as other selection options. The point of the phrase ‘does not contain any CSP’ is to ensure that the overwritten data is carefully selected, and not taken from a general ‘pool’ that might contain current or residual data that itself requires confidentiality protection.




(Key Management Description may be used if necessary details describe proprietary information)

The evaluator examines the TSS to ensure it describes how the keys are managed in volatile memory. This description includes details of how each identified key is introduced into volatile memory (e.g. by derivation from user input, or by unwrapping a wrapped key stored in non-volatile memory) and how they are overwritten.

The evaluator shall check to ensure the TSS lists each type of key that is stored in in non-volatile memory, and identifies how the TOE interacts with the underlying platform to manage keys (e.g., store, retrieve, destroy). The description includes details on the method of how the TOE interacts with the platform, including an identification and description of the interfaces it uses to manage keys (e.g., file system APIs, platform key store APIs).

The evaluator examines the interface description for each different media type to ensure that the interface supports the selection(s) and description in the TSS.

If the ST makes use of the open assignment and fills in the type of pattern that is used, the evaluator examines the TSS to ensure it describes how that pattern is obtained and used. The evaluator shall verify that the pattern does not contain any CSPs.

The evaluator shall check that the TSS identifies any configurations or circumstances that may not strictly conform to the key destruction requirement.



There are a variety of concerns that may prevent or delay key destruction in some cases.


The evaluator shall check that the guidance documentation identifies configurations or circumstances that may not strictly conform to the key destruction requirement, and that this description is consistent with the relevant parts of the TSS and any other relevant Required Supplementary Information.


The evaluator shall check that the guidance documentation provides guidance on situations where key destruction may be delayed at the physical layer and how such situations can be avoided or mitigated if possible.

Some examples of what is expected to be in the documentation are provided here. 


When the TOE does not have full access to the physical memory, it is possible that the storage may be implementing wear-leveling and garbage collection. This may create additional copies of the key that are logically inaccessible but persist physically. In this case, to mitigate this the drive should support the TRIM command and implements garbage collection to destroy these persistent copies when not actively engaged in other tasks.


Drive vendors implement garbage collection in a variety of different ways, as such there is a variable amount of time until data is truly removed from these solutions. There is a risk that data may persist for a longer amount of time if it is contained in a block with other data not ready for erasure. To reduce this risk, the operating system and file system of the OE should support TRIM, instructing the non-volatile memory to erase copies via garbage collection upon their deletion. If a RAID array is being used, only set-ups that support TRIM are utilized. If the drive is connected via PCI-Express, the operating system supports TRIM over that channel.


The drive should be healthy and contains minimal corrupted data and should be end of lifed before a significant amount of damage to drive health occurs, this minimizes the risk that small amounts of potentially recoverable data may remain in damaged areas of the drive.


Test 1: Applied to each key held as in volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the TOE (whether or not the value is subsequently encrypted for storage in volatile or non-volatile memory). In the case where the only selection made for the destruction method key was removal of power, then this test is unnecessary. The evaluator shall:

Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.

Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.

Cause the TOE to clear the key.

Cause the TOE to stop the execution but not exit.

Cause the TOE to dump the entire memory of the TOE into a binary file.

Search the content of the binary file created in Step #5 for instances of the known key value from Step #1.

Steps 1-6 ensure that the complete key does not exist anywhere in volatile memory. If a copy is found, then the test fails.


Test 2: Applied to each key help in non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by the TOE. The evaluator shall use special tools (as needed), provided by the TOE developer if necessary, to ensure the tests function as intended.

Identify the purpose of the key and what access should fail when it is deleted. (e.g. the data encryption key being deleted would cause data decryption to fail.)

Cause the TOE to clear the key.

Have the TOE attempt the functionality that the cleared key would be necessary for.

The test succeeds if step 3 fails.

The following tests apply only to selection a), since the TOE in this instance has more visibility into what is happening within the underlying platform (e.g., a logical view of the media). In selection b), the TOE has no visibility into the inner workings and completely relies on the underlying platform, so there is no reason to test the TOE beyond test 1.

For selection a), the following tests are used to determine the TOE is able to request the platform to overwrite the key with a TOE supplied pattern.


Test 3: Applied to each key held in non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the TOE. The evaluator shall use a tool that provides a logical view of the media (e.g., MBR file system):

Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.

Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.

Cause the TOE to clear the key.

Search the logical view that the key was stored in for instances of the known key value from Step #1. If a copy is found, then the test fails.

Test 4: Applied to each key held as non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the TOE. The evaluator shall use a tool that provides a logical view of the media:

Record the logical storage location of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.

Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.

Cause the TOE to clear the key.

Read the logical storage location in Step #1 of non-volatile memory to ensure the appropriate pattern is utilized.

The test succeeds if correct pattern is used to overwrite the key in the memory location. If the pattern is not found the test fails.


The use of a garbage collection function in conjunction with other functions is an acceptable way to clear volatile memory. Replacing this requirement to be consistent with the corresponding FCS_CKM.4.1(d) requirement in the cPPs keeps it up-to-date for completeness.

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