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Archived TD0246:  Assurance Activity for FIA_UAU.5.2

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Issue Description

The Assurance Activity for FIA_UAU.5.2 was inadvertently not included.


The Assurance Activity for FIA_UAU.5.2 is amended as follows:

Assurance Activity:

The evaluator shall ensure that for all authentication mechanisms specified in FIA_UAU.5.1, the TSS shall describe each mechanism provided to support user authentication and the rules describing how the authentication mechanism(s) provide authentication. Example rules are how the authentication mechanism authenticates the user (e.g. how does the TSF verify that the correct password was entered), the result of a successful authentication (i.e. is the user input used to derive or unlock a key) and which authentication mechanism can be used at which authentication factor interfaces (i.e. if there are times, for example, after a reboot, that only specific authentication mechanisms can be used).

The evaluator shall verify that configuration guidance for each authentication mechanism is addressed in the AGD guidance.

    Test: For each authentication mechanism rule, the evaluator shall ensure that the authentication mechanism(s) behave as documented in the TSS.


See Issue Description.

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