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TD0253:  Assurance Activities for Key Transport

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Issue Description

There is no assurancy activity for the key transport SFR.


Effective 06 February 2018, the following assurance activites are added for FCS_COP.1(i) Cryptographic operation (Key Transport):

Assurance Activity


The evaluator shall verify the TSS provides a high level description of the RSA scheme and the cryptographic key size that is being used, and that the asymmetric algorithm being used for key transport is RSA. If more than one scheme/key size are allowed, then the evaluator shall make sure and test all combinations of scheme and key size. There may be more than one key size to specify – an RSA modulus size (and/or encryption exponent size), an AES key size, hash sizes, MAC key/MAC tag size.

If the KTS-OAEP scheme was selected, the evaluator shall verify that the TSS identifies the hash function, the mask generating function, the random bit generator, the encryption primitive and decryption primitive.

If the KTS-KEM-KWS scheme was selected, the evaluator shall verify that the TSS identifies the key derivation method, the AES-based key wrapping method, the secret value encapsulation technique, and the random number generator.

Operational Guidance

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR.


There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR.


For each supported key transport schema, the evaluator shall initiate at least 25 sessions that require key transport with an independently developed remote instance of a key transport entity, using known RSA key-pairs. The evaluator shall observe traffic passed from the sender-side and to the receiver-side of the TOE, and shall perform the following tests, specific to which key transport scheme was employed.

If the KTS-OAEP scheme was selected, the evaluator shall perform the following tests:

1. The evaluator shall inspect each cipher text, C, produced by the RSA-OAEP encryption operation of the TOE and make sure it is the correct length, either 256 or 384 bytes depending on RSA key size. The evaluator shall also feed into the TOE’s RSA-OEAP decryption operation some cipher texts that are the wrong length and verify that the erroneous input is detected and that the decryption operation exits with an error code.

2. The evaluator shall convert each cipher text, C, produced by the RSA-OAEP encryption operation of the TOE to the correct cipher text integer, c, and use the decryption primitive to compute em = RSADP((n,d),c) and convert em to the encoded message EM. The evaluator shall then check that the first byte of EM is 0x00. The evaluator shall also feed into the TOE’s RSA-OEAP decryption operation some cipher texts where the first byte of EM was set to a value other than 0x00, and verify that the erroneous input is detected and that the decryption operation exits with an error code.

3. The evaluator shall decrypt each cipher text, C, produced by the RSA-OAEP encryption operation of the TOE using RSADP, and perform the OAEP decoding operation (described in NIST SP 800-56B section to recover HA’ || X. For each HA’, the evalutor shall take the corresponding A and the specified hash algorithm and verify that HA' = Hash(A). The evaluator shall also force the TOE to perform some RSA-OAEP decryptions where the A value is passed incorrectly, and the evaluator shall verify that an error is detected.

4. The evaluator shall check the format of the ‘X’ string recovered in OAEP.Test.3 to ensure that the format is of the form PS || 01 || K, where PS consists of zero or more consecutive 0x00 bytes and K is the transported keying material. The evaluator shall also feed into the TOE’s RSA-OEAP decryption operation some cipher texts for which the resulting ‘X’ strings do not have the correct format (i.e., the leftmost non-zero byte is not 0x01). These incorrectly formatted ‘X’ variables shall be detected by the RSA-OEAP decrypt function.

5. The evaluator shall trigger all detectable decryption errors and validate that the returned error codes are the same and that no information is given back to the sender on which type of error occurred. The evaluator shall also validate that no intermediate results from the TOE’s receiver-side operations are revealed to the sender.

If the KTS-KEM-KWS scheme was selected, the evaluator shall perform the following tests:

1. The evaluator shall inspect each cipher text, C, produced by RSA-KEM-KWS encryption operation of the TOE and make sure the length (in bytes) of the cipher text, cLen, is greater than nLen (the length, in bytes, of the modulus of the RSA public key) and that cLen - nLen is consistent with the byte lengths supported by the key wrapping algorithm. The evaluator shall feed into the RSA-KEM-KWS decryption operation a cipher text of unsupported length and verify that an error is detected and that the decryption process stops.

2. The evaluator shall separate the cipher text, C, produced by the sender-side of the TOE into its C0 and C1 components and use the RSA decryption primitive to recover the secret value, Z, from C0. The evaluator shall check that the unsigned integer represented by Z is greater than 1 and less than n-1, where n is the modulus of the RSA public key. The evaluator shall construct examples where the cipher text is created with a secret value Z = 1 and make sure the RSA-KEM-KWS decryption process detects the error. Similarly, the evaluator shall construct examples where the cipher text is created with a secret value Z = n – 1 and make sure the RSA-KEM-KWS decryption process detects the error.

3. The evaluator shall attempt to successfully recover the secret value Z, derive the key wrapping key, KWK, and unwrap the KWA-cipher text following the RSAKEM-KWS decryption process given in NISP SP 800-56B section If the key-wrapping algorithm is AES-CCM, the evaluator shall verify that the value of any (unwrapped) associated data, A, that was passed with the wrapped keying material is correct The evaluator shall feed into the TOE’s RSA-KEM-KWS decryption operation examples of incorrect cipher text and verify that a decryption error is detected. If the key-wrapping algorithm is AES-CCM, the evaluator shall attempt at least one decryption where the wrong value of A is given to the RSA-KEM-KWS decryption operation and verify that a decryption error is detected. Similarly, if the key-wrapping algorithm is AES-CCM, the evaluator shall attempt at least one decryption where the wrong nonce is given to the RSA-KEM-KWS decryption operation and verify that a decryption error is detected.

4. The evaluator shall trigger all detectable decryption errors and validate that the resulting error codes are the same and that no information is given back to the sender on which type of error occurred. The evaluator shall also validate that no intermediate results from the TOE’s receiver-side operations (in particular, no Z values) are revealed to the sender.


See issue description.

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