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Archived TD0475:  NIT Technical Decision for Separate traffic consideration for SSH rekey

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The NIT has issued a technical decision for Separate traffic consideration for SSH rekey


FCS_SSHC_EXT.1.8 and FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.8 shall be modified as follows:

The TSF shall ensure that within SSH connections, the same session keys are used for a threshold of no longer than one hour, and each encryption key is used to protect no more than one gigabyte of data. After any of the thresholds are reached, a rekey needs to be performed.


The first paragraph of the Application Note for FCS_SSHC_EXT.1.8 and FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.8 shall be modified as follows:

This SFR defines two thresholds - one for the maximum time span the same session keys can be used and the other one for the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted using the same  session keys. Both thresholds need to be implemented and a rekey needs to be performed on whichever threshold is reached first. For the maximum transmitted data threshold, the encrypted traffic per encryption key needs to be counted. It is also acceptable to count the totally transmitted data per encryption key, the total encrypted traffic for incoming and outgoing data or the total transmitted incoming and outgoing data because the encrypted traffic per encryption key will always be lower or equal to the other options. The rekey requirement applies to all session keys (encryption, integrity protection) for incoming and outgoing traffic.


The fourth paragraph in the test description for FCS_SSHC_EXT.1.8 shall be modified as follows:

For testing of the traffic-based threshold the evaluator shall use the TOE to connect to an SSH server, and shall transmit data to and/or receive data from the TOE within the active SSH session until the threshold for data protected by either encryption key is reached. It is acceptable if the rekey occurs before the threshold is reached (e.g. because the traffic is counted according to one of the alternatives given in the Application Note for FCS_SSHC_EXT.1.8).


The fourth paragraph in the test description for FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.8 shall be modified as follows:

For testing of the traffic-based threshold the evaluator shall use the TOE to connect to an SSH client, and shall transmit data to and/or receive data from the TOE within the active SSH session until the threshold for data protected by either encryption key is reached. It is acceptable if the rekey occurs before the threshold is reached (e.g. because the traffic is counted according to one of the alternatives given in the Application Note for FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.8).


For further information, please see the NIT interpretation at:


See issue description

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