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Archived TD0653:  MDF v3.2 ASE References

Publication Date

Protection Profiles

Other References
Section 5.2.1; ASE

Issue Description

Section 5.2.1 incorrectly references ASE_OBJ.2 and ASE_REQ.2 instead of ASE_OBJ.1 and ASE_REQ.1.


Section 5.2.1 in PP_MDF_V3.2 is replaced as follows:

5.2.1 Class ASE: Security Target

The ST is evaluated as per ASE activities defined in the CEM for ASE_CCL.1, ASE_ECD.1, ASE_INT.1, ASE_OBJ.1, ASE_REQ.1, ASE_SPD.1, and ASE_TSS.1. In addition, there may be Evaluation Activities specified within Section 5.1 Security Functional Requirements that call for necessary descriptions to be included in the TSS that are specific to the TOE technology type.


See issue description.

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