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Archived TD0663:  Audit Listing for MDF Moved to Guidance

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Issue Description

There is inconsistency across PPs/PP-Modules regarding the location of audit event listings; while most specify the Guidance, others such as the MDF specify the TSS.


The following change is made to the TSS and Guidance Evaluation Activities for FAU_GEN.1 in Section 5.1.1 of PP_MDF_v3.2, with strikethroughs denoting deletions and underlines denoting additions:


The evaluator shall check the TSS and ensure that it lists all of the auditable events and provides a format for audit records. Each audit record format type must be covered, along with a brief description of each field. The evaluator shall check to make sure that every audit event type mandated by the PP is described and that the description of the fields contains the information required in FAU_GEN.1.2.

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to determine that it describes the auditable events and the component that is responsible for each type of auditable event.


The evaluator shall check the administrative guidance and ensure that it lists all of the auditable events and provides a format for audit records. Each audit record format type must be covered, along with a brief description of each field. The evaluator shall check to make sure that every audit event type mandated by the PP is described and that the description of the fields contains the information required in FAU_GEN.1.2.

The evaluator shall also make a determination of the administrative actions that are relevant in the context of this PP including those listed in the Management section. The evaluator shall examine the administrative guide and make a determination of which administrative commands are related to the configuration (including enabling or disabling) of the mechanisms implemented in the TOE that are necessary to enforce the requirements specified in the PP. The evaluator shall document the methodology or approach taken while determining which actions in the administrative guide are security relevant with respect to this PP. The evaluator may perform this activity as part of the activities associated with ensuring the AGD_OPE guidance satisfies the requirements.


See issue description

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