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TD0837:  Updates to WLAN Client PP-Module allow-lists

Publication Date

Protection Profiles

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Section 1.1, Section 2, Appendix G

Issue Description

New versions of PP_MDF, PP_OS, VPN Client PP-Module have been released, as well as the Biometric cPP Module and Bluetooth PP-Module, all of which can be used with this PP-Module.

Additionally, a discrepancy between the HTML and PDF versions caused the PP-Module for MDM Agents to be missing from the list in the PDF version.


TD0674 is archived and replaced with the following:


The WLAN Client PP-Module v1.0 is updated as follows:


The list of Base-PPs Section 1.1 is replaced with the following:


  • General Purpose Operating System (GPOS) Protection Profile, Version 4.3
  • Mobile Device Fundamentals (MDF) Protection Profile, Version 3.3


The list of PPs and PP-Modules allowed to be specified in a PP-Configuration with the PP-Module under Conformance Statement in Section 2 is replaced with the following:


  • collaborative PP-Module for Biometric enrolment and verification - for unlocking the device, Version 1.1
  • PP-Module for Bluetooth, Version 1.0
  • PP-Module for VPN Client, Version 2.4
  • PP-Module for MDM Agents, Version 1.0
  • Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems, Version 4.3
  • Protection Profile for Mobile Device Fundamentals, Version 3.3


Appendix G - Bibliography entries for MDF and GPOS are replaced as follows:


[GPOS] Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems, Version 4.3, September 27, 2022


[MDF] Protection Profile for Mobile Device Fundamentals, Version 3.3, September 12, 2022


See issue description.

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