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Compliant Product - Tenable Security Center 6.2.0

Certificate Date:  2023.10.12

Validation Report Number:  CCEVS-VR-VID11374-2023

Product Type:    Application Software

Conformance Claim:  Protection Profile Compliant

PP Identifier:    Functional Package for TLS Version 1.1
  Protection Profile for Application Software Version 1.4

CC Testing Lab:  Leidos Common Criteria Testing Laboratory

CC Certificate [PDF] Security Target [PDF] Validation Report [PDF]

Assurance Activity [PDF]

Administrative Guide [PDF]

Product Description

The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is Tenable Security Center 6.2.0. It is a vulnerability management product that is designed to provide visibility into network and system assets. The product is used to discover and scan assets such as servers, endpoints, network devices, operating systems, databases, and applications. Information collected by Tenable Security Center through its various connections to its operational environment and aggregated into the product can be presented in various customizable dashboards and analyzed by the product to determine the risk levels of findings or non-compliance with organizational security policies.

The product integrates three separate capabilities:

  • Asset monitoring: Tenable Security Center interfaces with Nessus along with locally-deployed Nessus Agents to collect the results of authenticated configuration and vulnerability scanning. It also interfaces with Nessus to collect the results of remote authenticated scanning.
  • Network monitoring: Tenable Security Center interfaces with Nessus Network Monitor (NNM), which passively scans network traffic using deep packet inspection to perform asset discovery and to detect user and application activities that could indicate compromise or misuse. Tenable Security Center collects this data from NNM.
  • Log aggregation: Tenable Security Center interfaces with Log Correlation Engine (LCE) to aggregate, normalize, and analyze event log data from various sources. This activity can be used to establish baseline behavior for network assets to detect abnormal usage that may be indicative of vulnerability exploitation or compliance violations.

Tenable Security Center functions as a central point where all of the collected data is aggregated, analyzed, and displayed to administrators in various customizable views. It can also be used to orchestrate the data collection performed by the various environmental components via customizable scheduling. The aggregated data can be used to provide information on vulnerabilities, misconfiguration, and malware. Tenable Security Center also provides configurable workflows and alerts to automatically take corrective action based on specific findings.

Evaluated Configuration

Security Evaluation Summary

The evaluation was carried out in accordance with the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) process and scheme for the Protection Profile for Application Software, Version 1.4 and the Functional Package for Transport Layer Security (TLS), Version 1.1. The criteria against which Tenable Security Center 6.2.0 was evaluated are described in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 rev 5. The evaluation methodology used by the evaluation team to conduct the evaluation is the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 rev 5.

The product, when delivered and configured as identified in the evaluated configuration guidance documentation, satisfies all of the security functional requirements stated in the Tenable Security Center 6.2.0 Security Target. The evaluation was completed in October 2023. Results of the evaluation can be found in the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Validation Report prepared by CCEVS.

Environmental Strengths

Timely Security Updates

The TOE developer has internal mechanisms for receiving reports of security flaws, tracking product vulnerabilities, and distributing software updates to customers in a timely manner.

Cryptographic Support

The TOE implements cryptography to protect data at rest and in transit.

For data at rest, the TOE stores credential data (both to log in to the TOE and to log in to remote systems for the purpose of conducting authenticated configuration scanning) as well as passphrase data used to protect PKI certificates that the TOE uses to authenticate to environmental components. This stored data is encrypted using AES or a PBKDF, depending on the data that is being stored.

For data in transit, the TOE implements TLS/HTTPS as both a client and a server. The TOE implements a TLS server for its administrative interface while it implements a TLS client to communicate with environmental components, including other Tenable products. The TOE supports mutual authentication as a TLS client.

The TOE implements all cryptography used for these functions using its own implementations of OpenSSL with NIST-approved algorithms. The TOE’s DRBG is seeded using entropy from the underlying OS platform.

Some product functionality requires the use of SSH; the TOE does not claim SSH functionality as it invokes its platform to implement this.

User Data Protection

The TOE uses cryptographic mechanisms to protect sensitive data at rest. Credential data is protected through the use of a PBKDF while all other sensitive data is protected by the TOE platform’s use of full disk encryption.

The TOE relies on the network connectivity and system log capabilities of its host OS platform. The TOE supports user-initiated and application-initiated uses of the network.

Identification and Authentication

The TOE supports X.509 certificate validation as part of establishing TLS and HTTPS connections. The TOE supports various certificate validity checking methods and can also check certificate revocation status using OCSP. If the validity status of a certificate cannot be determined, the certificate will be accepted. All other cases where a certificate is found to be invalid will result in rejection without an administrative override.

Security Management

The TOE itself and the configuration settings it uses are stored in locations recommended by the platform vendor.

The TOE includes a web GUI. The web GUI enforces username/password authentication using locally-stored credentials that are created using the TOE. The TOE does not include a default user account to access its management interface.

The security-relevant management functions supported by the TOE relate to the configuration of how frequently the various environmental components access network resources and for the transmission and presentation of system, network, and log data that the TOE obtains from its operational environment.


The TOE does not handle personally identifiable information (PII) of any individuals.

Protection of the TSF

The TOE enforces various mechanisms to prevent itself from being used as an attack vector to its host OS platform. The TOE implements address space layout randomization (ASLR), does not allocate any memory with both write and execute permissions, does not write user-modifiable files to directories that contain executable files, is compiled using stack overflow protection, and is compatible with the security features of its host OS platform.

The TOE contains libraries and invokes system APIs that are well-known and explicitly identified.

The TOE has a mechanism to determine its current software version. Software updates to the TOE can be acquired by leveraging its OS platform. All updates are digitally signed to guarantee their authenticity and integrity.

Trusted Path/Channels

The TOE encrypts sensitive data in transit between itself and its operational environment using TLS and HTTPS. It facilitates the transmission of sensitive data from remote users over TLS and HTTPS.

The TOE may also invoke OS platform functionality to establish SSH communications with an instance of LCE in its operational environment.

Vendor Information

Tenable, Inc
Jon Warren
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