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NIAP: Assurance Continuity
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Assurance Continuity - Apple iOS 15: iPhones, Update from v15.1.0 to v15.7.1

Date of Maintenance Completion:  2022.11.30

Product Type:    Wireless LAN
   Virtual Private Network

Conformance Claim:  Protection Profile Compliant

PP Identifier:    PP-Module for Bluetooth Version 1.0
  PP-Module for MDM Agent Version 1.0
  PP-Module for VPN Client, Version 2.3
  Functional Package for TLS Version 1.1
  Protection Profile for Mobile Device Fundamentals Version 3.2
  Extended Package for Wireless LAN Client Version 1.0

Original Evaluated TOE:  2022.11.04 - Apple iOS 15

CC Certificate [PDF] Validation Report [PDF] Assurance Activity [PDF]

Administrative Guide [PDF]

Please note:  The above files are for the Original Evaluated TOE.  Consequently, they do not refer to this maintained version, although they apply to the maintained version. 

Security Target [PDF] * Assurance Continuity Maintenance Report [PDF] Administrative Guide [PDF]

Please note:  This serves as an addendum to the VR for the Original Evaluated TOE. 

* This is the Security Target (ST) associated with this latest Maintenance Release.  To view previous STs for this TOE, click here.

Readers are reminded that the certification of this product (TOE) is the result of maintenance, rather than an actual re-evaluation of the product.  Maintenance only considers the affect of TOE changes on the assurance baseline (i.e. the original evaluated TOE); maintenance is not intended to provide assurance in regard to the resistance of the TOE to new vulnerabilities or attack methods discovered since the date of the initial certificate.  Such assurance can only be gained through re-evaluation. 

Using a security impact analysis of the changes made to the TOE, which was provided by the developer, the CCEVS has determined that the impact of changes on the TOE are considered minor and that independent evaluator analysis was not necessary.  A summary of the results can be found in the Maintenance Report, which is written in relation to the product's original validation report and Security Target.  Readers are therefore reminded to read the Security Target, Validation Report, and the Assurance Maintenance Report to fully understand the meaning of what a maintained certificate represents. 

Product Description

The TOE version of iOS 15.1.0 is changed to iOS 15.7.1. The only changes were made to fix publicly disclosed vulnerabilities (CVEs). Assurance activities previously performed are not repeated and are still applicable.

There were no changes to the hardware or Development Environment.

The tables in Appendix A are summarized from the IAR. The tables provide brief explanation of the changes to fix the CVEs for several TOE versions leading to iOS 15.7.1.

All publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities applicable to all versions of the TOE prior to the Maintained TOE have been mitigated as illustrated in the tables in Appendix A. All fixes are considered minor in terms of functionality change as they merely correct unintended behavior.

The validation Team has reviewed the rationale for being minor and agree with the verdicts.

Vendor Information

Apple Inc.
Fiona Pattinson
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