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NIAP: Archived U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile - U.S. Government Firewall Protection Profile for Medium Robustness Envi...

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Archived U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile - U.S. Government Firewall Protection Profile for Medium Robustness Environments, V1.1

Short Name: pp_fw_mr_v1.1

Technology Type: Firewall

CC Version: 3.1

Date: 2007.07.25

Preceded By: pp_fw_mr2.0_v1.0

Sunset Date: 2009.10.01 [Sunset Icon]

Conformance Claim: Medium Robustness

Protection Profile [PDF]

Validation Report [PDF]

CC Certificate [PDF]

Addendum [PDF]



The U.S. Government Firewall Protection Profile for Medium Robustness Environments specifies the minimum-security requirements for network boundary devices that provide controlled connectivity between two or more network environments (hereafter referred to as the Target of Evaluation (TOE)) used by the Department of Defense (DoD) in Medium Robustness Environments. The TOE may be a dedicated device such as a firewall, or an enhancement to some other network device such as a router. The target robustness level of "medium" is specified in the Guidance and Policy for the Department of Defense Global Information Grid Information Assurance (GIG) [2] and is further discussed in Section 3.0 of this PP. The TOE supports user identification and authentication (I&A) where "user" is defined to be a human user acting in a role  (i.e., Security Administrator, Cryptographic Administrator, and Audit Administrator) or an authorized IT entity. The TOE provides the capability to pass and block information flows based on a set of rules defined by the Security Administrator. Additionally, the TOE enforces security policies which restrict host-to-host connections to common Internet services such as: Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The TOE supports encryption for remote administration, remote users and authorized IT entities (e.g., certificate server, NTP server), and generates audit data of security relevant events.  The assurance requirements are presented in Section 5.3. This PP defines:

  • assumptions about the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE will be used;
  • threats that are to be addressed by the TOE;
  • security objectives of the TOE and its environment;
  • functional and assurance requirements to meet those security objectives; and
  • rationale demonstrating how the requirements meet the security objectives, and how the security objectives address the threats.


Because a PP is written to be implementation-independent, there may be some ambiguities that do not arise until a specific implementation is being evaluated against it. When this happens, a resolution is established through the Observation Decision (OD) process in the form of a Precedent Decision (PD), which is to be used consistently in subsequent evaluations involving the PP in question. The Precedent Decisions specifically associated with this PP are listed below:


The evaluation of the U. S. Government Firewall Protection Profile for Medium Robustness Environments, Version 1.0 provides specification for environments in which TOEs with various levels of robustness are appropriate to meet Medium Robustness level of independently assured security requirements. The assurance requirements were chosen to be consistent with this goal


July 25, 2007
Assurance maintenance has been performed on this protection profile to update it to the common criteria version 3.1. This update caused a change in version number (from 1.0 to 1.1) that indicates an update has occurred. The updates included revisions based on the assurance requirements of the CC 3.1, removal of FPT_SEP and FPT_RVM since it is now covered by ADV_ARC and replacement of Explicitly stated requirements with Extended requirements (only the nomenclature changed and not the requirements.)  Cryptographic functional requirements were also revised to reflect the latest updated standards. 

This U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile is not assigned to any Validated Products

This U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile does not have any related Technical Decisions

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